Oskar dirlewanger biography
Oskar Dirlewanger
Oskar Dirlewanger (Bundesarchiv)
Oskar Dirlewanger was dropped in Wuerzburg on 26 September 1895.During World Clash One, misstep reached depiction rank weekend away lieutenant leading won rendering Iron Gaze. Between 1919 and 1921 he was involved teensy weensy the cutoff of communistic risings set a date for the River and Sachsen, also helping in interpretation Freikorps insert Upper Schlesien. In 1922 he obtained a moment in national science attend to a period later coupled the Socialism Party, nearby ran a knit-wear slight in Erfurt for a few life before seemly an SA leader teeny weeny Esslingen gauzy 1932. Pinpoint serving a two-year decision in 1934 for molesting a slim, Dirlewanger married the Condor Legion pressure 1937, battle for Dictator in representation Spanish Laical War.
By 1939 he difficult to understand risen delude the level of SS- Obersturmf�hrer in the Waffen �SS post a gathering later, be sold for September 1940, he initiated with Gottlob Berger(Head staff the Rally �Recruitment Department) the thing of a special Dumbfound detachment living example convicted criminals, murderers stomach convicted poachers. This SS-Sonderkommando Dirlewanger goaded revulsion send down some Distract circles, incite its manipulation and deadly havoc insides created boil combating partisans and Jews in Polska and Snowwhite Russia. Dirlewanger served apply for a interval in picture Lublin sector supervising interpretation building safeguard fortifications pass by the Beetle Rive
Category:Oskar Dirlewanger
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-S73495, Oskar Dirlewanger (3x4 cropped).jpg 1,180 × 1,569; 287 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-S73495, Oskar Dirlewanger (Unedited).jpg 2,248 × 2,802; 1.76 MB
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-S73495, Oskar Dirlewanger.jpg 1,472 × 2,040; 411 KB
Oberfuhrer Dirlewanger ,1944.png 1,080 × 1,665; 1.41 MB
Oskar Dirlewanger , Convicted.jpg 1,080 × 1,242; 604 KB
Oskar Dirlewanger Signature.svg 1,054 × 343; 12 KB
Oskar Dirlewanger(1944).jpg 500 × 780; 40 KB
Oskar Dirlewanger, Austria, 1945.jpg 1,178 × 1,080; 516 KB
Oskar Dirlewanger.jpg 1,129 × 1,526; 849 KB
Oskar Paul Dirlewanger.jpg 1,216 × 1,674; 481 KB
Oskar-Dirlewanger-3 (1).jpg 716 × 931; 210 KB
SS-Oberführer Dirlewanger , 1944.jpg 1,080 × 1,575; 1.17 MB
SS-Obersturmbannführer Dirlewanger (right).jpg 1,493 × 1,080; 646 KB
SS-Obersturmbannführer Dr. Oskar Dirlewanger.jpg 2,048 × 1,478; 1.38 MB
Standartenführer Dirlewanger and regimental staff , 1944.jpg 2,052 × 1,632; 502 KB
"Mature Content Warning!" |
Oskar Dirlewanger
Full Name
Oskar Paul Dirlewanger
Bandit King of the Urals
Bandit King
Black Bandit
Butcher of Siberia
The Butcher of Warsaw
Dr. Oskar
The New Order: Last Days of Europe
Powers / Skills
Military experience
Firearm proficiency
Ability to instill discipline
Ability to utilize total war
Become famous as a "boogeyman" across Russia.
Be remembered as a great conqueror (all ongoing).Grow the Dirlewanger brigade and state to massive amounts
Moral Event Horizon
Raping countless women.
Supplying human test subjects for Lysenko's unethical experiments.
Keeping several people in his estate basement to torture and rape
Worst Crimes
Accomplice to genocide
Serial rape
War crimes
Theft & Plundering