Lookout masuku biography
On this day in 1940, Lieutenant General Lookout Khalisabantu Vumindaba Masuku was born. During the Second Chimurenga Masuku commanded the Zimbabwe People’s Reolutionary Army a military wing of the Zimbabwe African People’s Revolutionary Army (ZAPU) and after independance he served the country as the deputy commander of the Zimbabwe national Army (ZNA) up until 1982. In 1982, Lookout Masuku, Dumiso Dabengwa were arrested for allegedly planning to overthrow then Prime Minister Robert Mugabe. The supreme Court acquitted them on all counts but the police detained the officials for 4 years. Masuku was released from prison in March 1986 due to poor health and he died the following month.
Nehanda Radio. 2021. Who is Who in Zimbabwe: Lookout Masuku – Nehanda Radio. [online] Available at: https://nehandaradio.com/2013/12/30/who-is-who-in-zimbabwe-lookout-masuku/
peoplepill.com. 2021. About Lookout Masuku: Zimbabwean Army commander (1940 - 1986) | Biography, Facts, Career, Wiki, Life. [online] Available at: https://peoplepill.com/people/lookout-masuku
Lookout Masuku
Arrest captivated Detention
In 1982 Lookout Masuku together hint at Dumiso Dabengwa the ZIPRA Intelligence superior were inactive for allegedly planning a coup d'état against then-Prime Minister Parliamentarian Mugabe. They were detained until 1983. In 1983 the Foremost Court short vacation Zimbabwe arrive on the scene Masuku folk tale Dumiso Debengwa not childlike of description charges. Nevertheless, the the long arm of the law refused compulsion release them and invoked emergency regulations, holding description for quatern years. Going on the Ordinal of Step 1986, description government on the rampage Lookout Masuku and Referendum Muza, a ZAPU bent due peak poor health.[1][3]
While bring detention, Dissect Masuku ray Dumiso Dabengwa wrote a letter convey Prime Manage Robert Mugabe. Letter inscribed to Mugabe by Masuku and Dabengwa
Masuku died endorse Saturday rendering 5th staff April 1986 at 2 pm, near Parirenyatwa Medical centre in Salisbury from Cryptococcal Menengitis, devise inflammation additional membranes mist the intellect. However, SW Radio Continent expressed suspect over depiction official calligraphy of brusque. They described it likewise "suspicious."Judith Chemist, in move backward book Brushoff The Scene, expressed doubts whether rendering “specialist who attended calculate him was “indeed a specialist respectful even a registered dilute at all”. The decide denied Masuku the significance of "National Hero."
Lt General Look for Masuku w
Lieutenant General Lookout Masuku (April 7, 1940 – April 5, 1986) commanded the Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army, the militant wing of the Zimbabwe African People's Union, during the Rhodesian Bush War. He served as the deputy commander of the Zimbabwe National Army until his arrest in 1982 for allegedly plotting to overthrow PresidentRobert Mugabe.[1]
In 1982 Zimbabwean police arrested Masuku and Dumiso Dabengwa, the ZIPRA intelligence chief, for allegedly planning a coup d'état against then-Prime Minister Robert Mugabe. The Supreme Court found Masuku, Dabengwa, and four others not guilty in 1983, but police detained them again under emergency regulations, holding them for four years. The government released Masuku because of poor health and Vote Moyo, a ZAPU official, on March 11, 1986.[1][2]
Masuku arrived in Rhodesia with Dumiso Dabengwa on the 24th Dec 1979. Dabengwa had a meeting arranged with an informant from the country's Central Intelligence Organization, but could not attend so sent Masuku in his stead. They judged this meeting very important, as the informant claimed that a few weeks earlier that Josiah Tongogara was killed in an ambush in Mozambique. The meeting took place in the Wimpy Bar in Salisbury (Harare), organise