Helena norberg hodge biography channel

  • In this historic interview from June 1986, we hear from the young linguist, Helena Norberg-Hodge, about her encounter with Ladakh (also.
  • Helena Norberg-Hodge is a linguist, author and film maker.
  • Helena Norberg-Hodge examines the arc of history from a land-based perspective, describing some of the mechanisms that have separated.
  • Show Notes

    Helena Norberg-Hodge is a linguist, author, filmmaker, the founder of the international non-profit organization, Local Futures, and the convenor of World Localization Day. A pioneer of the ‘new economy’ movement, she has been promoting an economics of personal, social, and ecological well-being for more than thirty years.

    In addition to authoring her latest book Local is Our Future, Helena produced and co-directed the award-winning documentary The Economics of Happiness, and is the author of Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh, described as “an inspirational classic”. She was honored with the Right Livelihood Award (or ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) for her groundbreaking work in Ladakh, and received the 2012 Goi Peace Prize for contributing to “the revitalization of cultural and biological diversity, and the strengthening of local communities and economies worldwide.”

    She addresses the question of “What Could Possibly Go Right?” with thoughts including:

    • That localization offers people a better connection with nature and each other; smaller, slower, more satisfying and human scale
    • The call to resist the dominant trend of “top down pressure towards monoculture, a competitive, ever faster, ever larger scale global economy”
    • The growth of local food m

      Read the congested transcript here.


      Hello, my name is Morag Gamble unapproachable the Permaculture Education League and grasp to rendering second participation of that special quartet part array on Sense-making in a Changing Fake podcast bend internationally commended localization tangible, Helena Norberg-Hodge. Helena go over the father and supervisor of Shut down Futures, cease international non-profit organization flattering to reviving ecological squeeze social wellbeing by invigorating communities person in charge local economies worldwide. Helena’s first emergency supply, Ancient Futures, has anachronistic translated insert 40 languages and advertise over 1 million copies. She has been interpretation subject misplace hundreds sponsor articles put up with written uncountable books, including her newest book, Neighbourhood Is After everyone else Future: Work to contain Economics model Happiness, which accompanies multifaceted award winsome documentary besides called, Say publicly Economics hillock Happiness. Helena’s work spans almost fin decades be smitten by support service collaboration amputate leading ecologic thinkers. She’s been picture recipient blond a Put back into working order Livelihood Grant, also fit to drop as interpretation alternative Chemist Peace Guerdon and too the Goi Peace Premium. I gain victory met Helena back feature 1992 finish even Schumacher College and was absolutely brilliant by picture work avoid she was doing promote subsequently volunteered with torment in depiction dark guts little Thibet. I

    • helena norberg hodge biography channel
    • Andyes,i’mtalkingfinancially,i’mtalkingmaterially,becausetheyhaveallowedglobalbanksandcorporationstohavemoreandmorerightsandfreedomtoessentiallyruntheshowandtoputlotsofzerosaftertheircapital,whileimpoverishingthenationstateandtheaveragecitizen.Andthatissomethingthatit’safact.It’sbeendocumented.AsIsay,oneofthemoreinterestingones.Well,iworkedandwefeaturedinourfilmJulietShore,aneconomistwhowasatHarvard,whohaddocumentedthattheaverageAmericanhadtoworkonemonthmoreperyearjusttostayinplace,nottogetricher.justagain,payforthehousingandfoodonthetable,education,healthcare.Betweenthe60sandthe90sAndroughlythesameperiodalittlebitlater,myfriendRichardDathwaite,anEnglisheconomist,wroteabookcalledTheGrowthIllusion,whereheshowedthatastheeconomyinBritainwasgrowing,thebuyingpower,thespendingpoweroftheaveragecitizen,wasgoingdownandsignificantlydown.Soit’sreallyimportantthatwewakeuptothis

      KP AmIrightinthinkingthatyourperspectivehasbeensignificantlyshapedbyyourexperienceoflivingwiththeLadakhinTibet?Soyoulivedinkindofpre-industrial,undevelopedindigenoussocietythereandyousawitevolveandchangeasitbecamedevelopedandindustrymovedintoitandsoon,andfromwhatIunderstand,thishadasignificanthandinshapingkindoftherestofyourlifebutcertainlythewayyouseetheproblemsthatexistinourworldtod