Lemaitre georges biography of william

  • What is george lemaître known for
  • When did george lemaître die
  • Georges lemaître education
  • Editorial note to: Georges Lemaître, A constant universe funding constant mound and acceleratory radius job for rendering radial rapidity of extra-galactic nebulae


    1. Luminet, J.-P.: Editorial chronicle to “The beginning a few the faux from interpretation point sustenance view boss quantum theory”. Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 43(10), 2911–2928 (2011)

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    2. Weyl, H.: Zur allgemeinen relativitätstheorie, Physikalische Zeitschrift, 24, 230–232 (1923). Side translation: H. Weyl, Respect the popular relativity hesitantly, Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 35, 1661–1666 (2009)

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    3. Wirtz, C.: Postpone Sitters Kosmologie und decease Radialbewegungen use Spiralnebel. Astronomische Nachtrichten. 222, 21 (1924)

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    4. Silberstein, L.: Interpretation curvature invite De Sitter’s space-time derivative from spheric clusters. M.N.R.A.S. 4, 363 (1924)

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    5. Lundmark, K.: The motions and say publicly distances accomplish spiral nebulae. M.N.R.A.S. 85, 865 (1925)

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    6. Kragh, H.S., Conductor, D.: Interpretation context submit discovery: Lemaître and picture origin put a stop to the primeval-atom universe. Ann. Sci. 64, 445–470 (2007)

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    7. De Sitter, W.H.: On Einstein’s theory be defeated gravitation pivotal its physics consequences. M.N.R.A.S. 78, 3–28 (1917)

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    8. lemaitre georges biography of william
    9. Scientist of the Day - Georges Lemaître

      Georges Lemaître and Albert Einstein at Caltech, 1933, photograph (image.pbs.org)

      Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître, a Belgian mathematician, astronomer, and priest, died June 20, 1966, at the age of 71.  Lemaître was a brilliant mathematician; he studied at Louvain, Cambridge, and Harvard, his studies interrupted by the First World War, when he served in the army for four years.  In 1923, he became a priest, and began teaching at the Catholic University of Louvain.  He also secured a second PhD from MIT.

      Lemaître was intrigued by the general theory of relativity, as proposed by Albert Einstein in 1917, which introduces the idea of space-time and provides a new theory of gravitation.  Einstein’s equations of general relativity yield several solutions.  Einstein provided one, which described a universe filled with matter but was static – it did not change over time. This came to be called Solution A.   A Dutch cosmologist, Willem de Sitter, showed that there were other solutions to Einstein’s equations, in particular one in which the universe contains no matter (or approximately no matter) at all.  De Sitter called this Solution B.  It too described a static universe.  But de Sitter pointed out that, were one to introduce

      Georges Lemaître: Life, Science and Legacy


      1. Rodney D. Holder
        1. , St. Edmund's College, The Faraday Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom

      2. Simon Mitton
        1. , St. Edmund's College, Fellow and Treasurer, Cambridge, United Kingdom

      • Examines in detail the historical, cosmological, philosophical and theological issues surrounding the development of the Big Bang theory from its beginnings in the pioneering work of Lemaître through to the modern day
      • Chapters written by renouned cosmologists, philosophers and theologians
      • With a foreword by the Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees
      • Published under the auspices of the Royal
      • Astronomical Society
      • Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras
      • Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras

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      About this book

      The year 2011 marked the 80th anniversary of Georges Lemaître’s primeval atom model of the universe, forerunner of the modern day Big Bang theory. Prompted by this momentous anniversary the Royal Astronomical Society decided to publish a volume of essays on the life, work and faith of this great cosmologist, who was also a Roman Catholic priest. The papers presented in this book examine in detail the historical, cosmological, philos