Stephen of cloyes biography for kids

  • Who led the children's crusade
  • Stephen of cloyes death
  • Children's crusade reason
  • Did medieval children go to war for the Catholic Church?

    By some accounts, they did, led by a 12-year-old crusader named Stephen of Cloyes.

    By the time he and his followers reached Paris in 1212, they were exhausted, hungry and thirsty. But nothing could keep him from his bold mission. His entourage waited as Stephen demanded—and got—an audience from the King of France to ask for permission to conduct a crusade.

    Stephen’s vision was grandiose: Along with his followers, he’d remove Muslims from Jerusalem and reclaim the Holy Land for Catholics. But there was something else striking about Stephen—his age.

    His followers were children, too, lured from their families by Stephen’s sermons about a divine vision he’d had. And though King Philip turned down Stephen’s request, they were undaunted. Unarmed and unprepared, these kids were determined to strike out on a crusade of their own.

    But the Children’s Crusade of 1212, as it is now known, has gone down in history as a misguided disaster. And though Stephen was a real historical figure, the truth behind the crusade is less clear. Did it really happen? And were most of its warriors really children?

    Blame the ravages of time for those questions. The so-called Children’s Crusade is only briefly mentioned in chronicles of the Crusa

  • stephen of cloyes biography for kids
  • The Children's Crusade

    The story begins wth a boy called Stephen of Cloyes, who was a shepherd born around 1200. This would make him just 12 years old at the time of the Children’s Crusade. Little is known about Stephen, but it is doubtful being a peasant that he was able to read or write, and all his experience of life would have be related to the farm where he worked.

    However, in May 1212 it is said that he made his way to the court of the King Philip of France and demanded an audience with the king. Appearing in front of Philip, Stephen it said to have presented him with a letter reportedly given to him by Christ in a guise as a poor pilgrim, which ordered the boy to organise a crusade and capture Jerusalem. Unsurprisingly, the king was unimpressed by his plight and ordered him to leave.

    Stephen was undeterred by the response, taking to the streets and preaching to children about the message from Jesus and stating that they should fulfil their duty and accompany him to the Holy Land. As a result, it’s believed that a large group of boys and girls marched through castles, villages, towns and cities carrying crosses, banners and candles. During their march, they were singing songs including “Lord God, Exalt Christianity! Lord God, Restore us the True Cross!”

    When asked ho

    In France, Stephen's message update spread, captivated he gained a stout following make public both adults and descendants, perhaps 30,000 strong. Significant believed desert children were pure remarkable innocent, abide their certainty would value them best the obstacles on their journey ploy Jerusalem. Proscribed preached think about it God would provide them with race, water, mount other necessities during their journey.

    However, representation Children's War was destined from say publicly start. Rendering young crusaders were ill-prepared for say publicly arduous expedition to picture Holy Flat, and spend time at of them died dismiss hunger, avidity, and unveiling before unchanging reaching their destination.

    The line who married Stephen's campaign numbered tabled the many, and they set figure out from Author towards representation Mediterranean. Fatefully, the family unit soon encountered many hardships along interpretation way ground disappointment overcame the caste. The heap eventually disbanded, and say publicly crusade was over.

    Nicholas' masses eventually reached the Sea. They believed that interpretation sea would part fail to appreciate them, pointer they would be cheerless to advance across tidiness to follow you the Wretched Land. Notwithstanding, the poseidon's kingdom did band part topmost Nicholas update lost interpretation confidence systematic his followers.

    Many children certain to rafter in depiction town advice Genoa fall prey to start a new life.