Robia lamorte biography

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  • Robia LaMorte


    Robia Brett LaMorte Scott


    New York City, USA

    Robia LaMorte is an actress who portrayed Jennifer Calendar, Eyghon, Drusilla, and the First Evil on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series.


    LaMorte is best known for being a dancer and spokesperson for musician Prince. She also appeared as a backup dancer in music videos such as Debbie Gibson's "Shake Your Love" and Prince's "Cream," "Gett Off," "Strollin'," and "Diamonds and Pearls."

    After retiring from dance, LaMorte acted on Beverly Hills, 90210 in two episodes and played the female lead in the live action video game Fox Hunt. Her first regular role was as Jenny Calendar on the first two seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She also appeared in small roles in television series such as The Sentinel, Silk Stalkings, The Pretender, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and Vindication, as well as the films Earth Girls Are Easy, Spawn, and Unplanned.

    Buffyverse credits[]

    LaMorte guest-starred as the technopagan teacher Jennifer "Jenny" Calendar in twelve episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in one of them as Jenny possessed by the demon Eyghon and another in an uncredited archived footage. She returned in two more episodes to portray other chara

    Robia LaMorte

    Robia LaMorte, a po ślubie Robia Scott (ur. 7 lipca1970 w Nowym Jorku, USA) – amerykańska aktorka.


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    Urodziła się w 1970 roku w rodzinie katolickiej. Studiowała w Los Angeles County Buzz School tend the Veranda, a następnie otrzymała pełne stypendium somebody studia taneczne w Dupree Dance Institution w Feeling.

    Zadebiutowała jako tancerka w wieku 16 lat[1]. Występowała w wielu wideoklipach. W 1991 roku zwrócił a celebrity nią uwagę amerykański muzyk Prince, który zabrał ją w swoją trasę koncertową w charakterze tancerki. Znalazła się wówczas nawet an important person okładce jednego z jego singli, Diamonds and Pearls”[2].

    Po zakończeniu trasy koncertowej, rozwijać się zaczęła jej kariera aktorska. Wystąpiła w ponad pięćdziesięciu reklamach oraz licznych filmach i serialach telewizyjnych[1]. Największy rozgłos przyniosła jej rola w serialu Buffy: Postrach wampirów[2].

    Po sukcesie w serialu Buffy, Robia porzuciła karierę aktorską by poświęcić się życiu religijnemu i ewangelizacji. Podróżowała po Stanach Zjednoczonych i świecie jako chrześcijańska ewangelistka. Napisała też książkę Counterfeit Comforts.

    W 2019 roku powróciła a big name ekrany relatives w antyaborcyjnym filmie Nieplanowane.


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    She was taking dance instruction before she was ten years old. From that moment on she became a workaholic, practicing every day for hours, even in the backyard. Her big break could have come with her role as a young Victoria Principal in Mistress (1987) (TV), but the producers edited her part out of the film. Her main breakthrough came in 1991, when she was picked by Prince to dance with him for the "Diamonds and Pearls" album. A single from the album went to #1 and Robia was pictured on the cover. In 1994 she appeared in the independent feature The Pros & Cons of Breathing (1993). Later on came a role in Spawn (1997) and, even more importantly, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1997).

    She was taking dance instruction before she was ten years old. From that moment on she became a workaholic, practicing every day for hours, even in the backyard. Her big break could have come with her role as a young Victoria Principal in Mistress (1987) (TV), but the producers edited her part out of the film. Her main breakthrough came in 1991, when she was picked by Prince to dance with him for the "Diamonds and Pearls" album. A single from the album went to #1 and Robia was pictured on the cover. In 1994 she appeared in the independent feature The Pros & Cons of Breathing (1993). L

  • robia lamorte biography