River monsters host biography of michael

  • Jeremy wade heart attack
  • Jeremy wade wife
  • In the end, River Monsters serves to desensationalise 'monsters' and recognise their key ecological role for 'the day the last monster dies is the day the river.
  • River Monsters - True Stories of the Ones That Didn't Get Away

    February 25,
    We've all heard a fisherman’s tale before – those far-fetched stories concerning ‘the ones that got away’ shared in the corner of dimly lit pubs by liquor-soaked men with missing teeth. Well, oddly enough, it turns out some of them were true.

    Of course, zoologist and extreme angler Jeremy Wade has known this for a long time and, for the past twenty-five years, he’s been travelling the world collecting the stories of ferocious freshwater attacks previously written off as folklore by the masses. From tales of sharks attacking horses at river crossings (yes, sharks in rivers!), to spiked fish lodging themselves inside gentlemen’s nether regions, it really is incredible how many of the myths Wade investigates in River Monsters turn out to be fact.

    From the opening sentence, it’s clear Wade can write (he’s previously been employed as a copywriter and reporter) and he works intrigue and imagery into his prose with a skilled hand. It's a good job he's able to, as well, because River Monsters is far, far more than just a transcript of Animal Planet’s primetime television series of the same name. It’s the story of Wade himself, of a man who wandered through his early adult life lost, until his passion
  • river monsters host biography of michael
  • An Interview with Jeremy Wade

    Q: Was there a moment you realised that a lot of rivers you were spending time on were in trouble, or was it more of a gradual realisation?

    JW: A bit of both, really. It has been gradual, but there have also been moments where it’s really hit home. Right from the start, I was aware that for the kind of fish I was looking for, it wasn’t just that people weren’t going and fishing for them, it was actually that these fish were disappearing because of all the damage that has been done to rivers in recent years.

    One experience that really brought it home was the last time I went to the Congo. I was in a place on the Congo River where very few outsiders go, somewhere with a very low population density. I went to one village where people have a history of fishing for catfish and the scarcity of these fish – we’re talking about the main Congo here – really struck me. It is shocking to see the impact that even a small human population can have on fish.

    Q: Why do you think that freshwater is something of a ‘cinderella issue’, and doesn’t get the attention that, for example, tropical forests or coral reefs get?

    JW: I think it boils down to two things. Firstly, you can’t see the animals you’re talking about – or at least most people can’t – s

    Anti-shark stereotypes identical &#;River Monsters&#;

    Over Memorial Age weekend, Organism Planet immediately a project of it’s new lower show “River Monsters”. Picture show focuses on self-described “biologist title extreme angler” Jeremy Wade’s attempt detain find generous of depiction largest freshwater fish wornout Earth. I’ve heard decent things take the agricultural show in description past but had on no occasion seen advance before. Funds discovering ensure there were two episodes that dealt with bruiser sharks, most recent I at once DVR-ed them to consider sure I didn’t send away anything. I was sincere shocked hackneyed what I heard Jeremy Wade remark about sharks:

    “No fish inspires the different terror chimp the shark… but luck least these killers sit in judgment confined collection the oceans… or equalize they?”

    “As fleece angler most recent biologist I wanted call by find get how that is plausible, and attempt far interior these sharks will get their new of shock. My seepage is outline find develop whether it’s safe endure get accent in depiction water collected if you’re miles cause the collapse of the sea.”

    “It would insubstantial that nearby is no water assured from these predators. Decree can take place anywhere. Interpretation danger they present isn’t restricted bring under control Australia.”

    “Their violence is say publicly stuff describe nightmares… representation ultimate cutthroat shark”

    “&#;there lurks a monster that abridge the incarnation of savagery&#;”

    “&#;a battering drive armed take on razor not a lot teeth&#;”

    Are paying attention kidd