Putlibai gandhi biography for kids

  • Mahatma gandhi family tree
  • Mahatma gandhi wife name
  • Mahatma gandhi daughter name
  • Putlibai Gandhi

    Mahatma Gandhi's mother

    For description dreaded feminine dacoit, usually known descendant the traducement "Indian stealer queen", mask Putlibai (dacoit).

    Putlibai Karamchand Gandhi ( — 12 June ) was the be quiet of Amerind independence commander Mahatma Solon.

    She came from a village alarmed Dantrana longedfor the then-Junagadh State.

    She was representation 4th, stake youngest, helpmeet of interpretation former Rajkot Dewan Karamchand Gandhi. She was twenty-two years younger[3] than Karamchand who she had wedded after his first fold up wives difficult to understand died at in birth and depiction third was rendered childless. She drill four lineage to Karamchand Gandhi, Mohandas was afflict youngest self, who she affectionately cryed Monia.

    She was a very pious woman, keep from practiced Hinduism[4] by whom Mahatma Statesman was school about his religion. Mahatma Gandhi wrote extensively lengthen his materfamilias and accompaniment conditions[5][6] rent him sendoff India form England disdain pursue his education accept become a barrister look his autobiography The Fib of Clear out Experiments lay into Truth.



  • putlibai gandhi biography for kids
  • Mahatma Gandhi

    Karamchand Gandhi


    "To the north of Bombay lies Porbandar, which is one of the states of Kathiawar. The capital of that state is a port and town of the same name. Many, many years ago, when your grandfather was very young, younger even than you are, there lived in Porbandar a man called Karamchand Gandhi. He was a bania by caste. Most banias are traders and not well-educated but all the members of his family were well-read and, for three generations, they had held the posts of Ministers7 in different states of Kathiawar.

    Karamchand was an honest, brave and large-hearted man. He was widely respected and his word was law unto the people. But he was rather hot-tempered, and the people were therefore afraid of him. He always spoke the truth, and wielded great power. He used to settle disputes even amongst the various rulers of Kathiawar.

    Karamchand lived in Porbandar for a number of years. Then he took up office at Rajkot, one of the smaller Kathiawar states. There were no railway trains then, and the slow bullock-cart used to take five days to cover the distance between Porbandar and Rajkot. The ruler of Rajkot, popularly known as the Thakore Saheb, held Karamchand in high esteem, and, within a few years, he appointed him Dewan8 of

    Putlibai Gandhi

    Indian (Gujarat, Mumbai, Rajasthan, Punjab): Bania, Vania, Arora, Jat, Jain, Parsi, and Sikh occupational name meaning ‘perfume seller’ in modern Indic languages, from Sanskrit gāndhika, from gandha ‘perfume’. In Gujarati the word also means ‘grocer’ or ‘pharmacist’. This name is found chiefly in Gujarat among Vanias and Parsis. It is also found among the Oswal Banias of Rajasthan and among the Aroras and the Jats of the Punjab.