Robert paul weston biography templates

  • Robert Paul Weston was born in 1975 in Dover, Great Britain.
  • I'm a novelist, short-story writer, and lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Lincoln.
  • Robert Paul Weston's first novel was Zorgamazoo, a Booklist top ten debut of 2008.
  • Robert Weston

    Robert Weston, PGA is a British movie producer, screenwriter and award-winning author based in Los Angeles, California. Mentored by former 20th Century Fox, Managing Director, Tim Hampton (ALIENS), Weston is the founder and owner of Straightwire Entertainment Group with offices in Los Angeles and the United Kingdom.

    He developed his first movie property in 2006, entitled WHERE LOVE REIGNS. The period drama based on Freud and Jung was an adaptation of a successful stage play and attached a wealth of talent including, Martin Scorsese (THE IRISHMAN) and a cast which included the likes of Golden Globe winner Alan Rickman (DIE HARD) and Armin Mueller Stahl (SHINE). Weston has since gone onto produce fifteen movies with budgets combined in excess of $100m, including the remake of Latin American classic ELSA AND FRED, a romantic comedy which Weston produced alongside Oscar-winning producer Ed Saxon (SILENCE OF THE LAMBS) and Oscar-nominated director Michael Radford (IL POSTINO). The cast included Oscar winners Christopher Plummer (BEGINNERS), Shirley Maclaine (TERMS OF ENDEARMENT) and Marcia Gay Harden (MYSTIC RIVER).

    Other notable credits include the adaptation of the award-winning novel, DARK PLACES, from world renowned author Gillian Flynn (GONE GIRL). The thr


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  • robert paul weston biography templates
  • This is me. I’m a novelist, short-story writer, and lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Lincoln. Please note: I’m not as austere as the photograph implies, but I have heaps of smile lines and I’m horrifically vain.

    My early days: I was born in Dover, on the chalky south coast of England, to a Grenadian/Indian mother and English/Turkish father and, sometime later, did the majority of my growing up in and around Toronto. Since then, I’ve spent time studying and/or struggling to survive in Canada, the US, Japan, France and Switzerland. In the end, I landed back in the UK, where I’m writing this.

    The things in the previous paragraph influence my writing, notably hybridity, either of personhood or literary form. My fiction has been heard on the New Yorker Radio Hour, and appeared in the Stinging Fly, the Normal School, Litro Magazine, the New Orleans Review,the Raleigh Review, and elsewhere. My novels for children and young adults have won awards in Canada, the US, and Germany. These inlcude Zorgamazoo, Dust City, Blues for Zoey, and others.

    Find me (very occasionally) on Threads, Instagram,  X, and Goodreads.

    For rights inquires, please contact my literary agency, Westwood Creative Artists.