Pinturas de joaquin clausell biography

  • Joaquin clausell xochimilco
  • Joaquín clausell paintings
  • Joaquín Quirico Marcelino Clausell Traconis was a Mexican lawyer and political activist, who was predominantly known for his Impressionist paintings of Mexican land and seascapes.
  • Joaquín Clausell

    Joaquín Clausell (de nome completo José Joaquín Quirino Marcelino Clausell Franconis) (Campeche, México, Junho de - Lagoas de Cempoala, México, 28 de Novembro de ) foi um jornalista e pintorautodidactaimpressionistamexicano.

    Política e jornalismo

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    Opôs-se à reeleição de Porfírio Díaz em , o que o levou à prisão pela primeira vez.

    Ao terminar o bacharelato mudou-se para a Cidade do México com o propósito de estudar engenharia, acabando porém por cursar Direito, terminando os seus estudos em Durante este período dedicou-se também à caricatura política e ao jornalismo, colaborando com os jornais La Campaña Electoral de , El Hijo del Ahuizote, El Diario del Hogar e El Universal. Em forma um partido anti-reeleccionista e escreve para o La República.

    Posteriormente funda e dirige o jornal de oposição El Demócrata (), no qual publicou uma reportagem de Heriberto Frías sobre a repressão sofrida pelos índios tomochitecos em Chihuahua, o que lhe valeu ser novamente encarcerado, sendo as instalações do jornal fechadas.


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    Ao sair da prisão, mudou-se para Nova Iorque e daí para Paris.

    Na França conhece Camille Pissarro e Claude Monet e torna-se amigo de Émile Zola e de G

    Joaquín Clausell

    The transformed landscape

    Original title

    Joaquín Clausell

    Original title

    Joaquín Clausell


    Interactive display



    Domo Educativo: Ambientación y Museografía

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  • pinturas de joaquin clausell biography
  • Joaquin Clausell


    Joaquin Clausell was born in Campeche on June 16, His father Jose Clausell was a native of Catalonia, and his mother, Marcelina Traconis, a native of Merida, Yucatan. Joaquin Clausell is considered the main exponent of Impressionism in Mexico.

    Joaquin Clausell drew since he was a child, he liked to do cartoons. He spent his childhood and adolescence in Campeche, pursuing his secondary education at the Instituto Campechano. In he was expelled from the institute for having given a public speech against the governor of the state of Campeche, Joaquin Baranda, even having to leave the state of Campeche.

    In he studied engineering for a year and later law at the National School of Jurisprudence. In , the lawyer Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada died in New York. When his remains were transferred to the capital of Mexico, Joaquin Clausell organized the demonstrations of a group of students in honor of the illustrious liberal reformer. Clausell was arrested for sedition, and imprisoned in the Belen Prison for a few months. In he finished his law studies, although he did not present his professional exam immediately because he was in prison.

    For a short time, he worked as a journalist at El Universal under the pseudonym Juan P&eacu