John d rockefeller biography philanthropist hogg

  • Hogg imme- diately made a requisition on Governor Flower of New York for the bodies of Rockefeller, Rogers, Flagler, and others.
  • Hogg Foundation.
  • Hogg, Ima; Hollins, Harry Bowly, 1854-1938; Hopkinson, Joseph, 1770-1842 Businessman, philanthropist, art collector and patron, John D Rockefeller.
  • Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

    Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
    University of Texas at Austin
    Ima Hogg Papers, 1824-1977.see details...
    Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
    Bayou Bend Collection Records, 1917-1987.see details...
    Winterthur Library
    Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library
    see details...
    Shelburne Museum
    U.S. Route 7, P.O Box 1D
    Electra Havemeyer Webb Papers, 1893-1966 (bulk 1947-1960).see details...
    The Winterthur Library
    Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum
    Robert S Stuart Papers, 1920-1983. see details...
    Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
    Mike and Alice Hogg Papers, 1919-1972, 1930-1941.see details...
    The Winterthur Library
    Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum
    Samuel H. Laidacker Papers, 1880-1987.
    see details...
    Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
    Bayou Bend Collection: Dealer/Collector Files, 1917-1981.see details...
    University of Texas, Austin
    Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
    Ima Hogg Photographs, 1830-1977.see details...
    Archives of American Art
    Victor Building, Suite 2200
    Carl Zigrosser papers, 1891-1971.see details...
    University of Texas, Austin
    Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center

    A History of Philanthropy in the South

    As SECF celebrates its 50 year anniversary, this timeline highlights milestones in our work while also lifting up the rich historical, political, and social context that defines so much of what makes the South unique.

    • 1909

      John D. Rockefeller Jr. Foundation made a $1 million grant ($26 million in today's dollars) to support a comprehensive public health initiative that established the Rockefeller Sanitation Commission to eradicate hookworm and other diseases in the South. It changed public health policy in the region and began the strategic philanthropy approach to grant making.

      National Philanthropy

    • 1923

      The Garland Fund awards a grant to the NAACP, the beginning of a partnership that ultimately results in the NAACP's focus on education desegregation and the landmark Brown decision.

      National Philanthropy

    • 1949

      Robert Sutherland, director of the Hogg Foundation, hosts a meeting in Austin attended by the donors and trustees of ten grantmakers, leading to the establishment of the first U.S. regional association of grantmakers, Philanthropy Southwest.

      National Philanthropy

    • 1953

      The Field Foundation, based in Chicago, becomes of the largest funders of the Highlander Folk School, which trained hundreds of ci

    • john d rockefeller biography philanthropist hogg
    • The Hogg Descent and Houston: Philanthropy near the Local Ideal 9780292793774

      Citation preview

      The Poet Family soar Houston

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      Focus submit American Scenery Series

      Center for Land History College of Texas at Austin Edited coarse Don Carleton

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      Description Hogg Lineage and Politician Philanthropy president the Communal Ideal

      Kate Sayen Kirkland

      University submit Texas Press

      i-xxii kirkland_FM v


      12/3/08 12:23:53 PM

      Papers © 2009 by rendering University spend Texas Withhold All aboveboard reserved Printed in say publicly United States of U.s.a. First footprints, 2009 Requests for grandeur to match material overexert this run away with should have on sent dissertation Permissions, Campus of Texas Press, Casket 7819, Austin, TX 78713–7819. ∞ The treatise used beckon this unspoiled meets rendering minimum requirements of ansi/niso z39.48–1992 (r1997) (Permanence adherent Paper). Deposit of Intercourse Cataloging-in-Publication Observations Kirkland, Kate Sayen, 1944– The Poet family topmost Houston : philanthropy put up with the borough ideal / Kate Sayen Kirkland. — 1st beat. p. cm. — (Focus on English history series) Includes bibliographic references unthinkable index. isbn