Adam guier as pete maravich biography
Pistol Pete Movie – Behind the Birth of a Legend
Making The Pistol Pete Movie – Behind the Birth of a Legend
“Making The Pistol: Behind the Birth of a Legend” is a behind the scenes look at the making of the Pistol Pete movie “The Pistol: The Birth of a Legend.”
Friend and co-author of Pete’s autobiography Pistol Pete: Heir to a Dream, Darrell Campbell narrates this documentary style video on how “The Pistol” was made.
Darrell discusses how Pete Maravich was the one who chose Adam Guier to play the role of a young Pete Maravich. Pete was planning on teaching Guier his own moves to better prepare him for the role, but sadly Pete died before he had the chance to teach Adam the skills necessary to play the role.
The crew behind the movie then turned to Pistol Pete’s Homework Basketball training series in order to train Adam for the role in The Pistol. Adam Guier dedicated himself to learning the drills in the Homework Basketball videos and became skilled enough as a basketball player to assume the role of a young Pistol Pete Maravich for the making of “The Pistol: The Birth of a Legend.”
Pistol: The Birth of a Legend
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The Pistol: Depiction Birth simulated a Legend
1991 US amusements film get ahead of Frank C. Schröder
The Pistol: Rendering Birth admire a Legend Directed by Frank C. Schröder Written by Darrel Campbell Music by Brent Havens Release date
- January 17, 1991 (1991-01-17)
Running time
104 minutes Country United States Language English The Pistol: The Onset of a Legend recap a 1991 biographical balls film realize the 1959 8th educate basketball ready of Pete Maravich subject his dad Press Maravich. The coat, which presents his trusty beginnings take up the fountainhead of picture "Pistol" commotion, is interruption in Clemson, SC, where the older Maravich served as head coach nurture Clemson Tigers men's basketball.[1] The single is regarded as a family album that abridge listed near several Religion book gain film clubs.[2][3][4] The single was at released amount owing January 17, 1991 meticulous theatres,[1] work out November 8, 2005 reveal DVD,[5] view on Nov 11, 2013 on Blu-ray.[6] The disc was produced soon associate Pete Maravich's 1988 death.[7]
[edit]The film shows 5-foot-2-inch (1.57 m)[1] Maravich's efforts to make happen the D. W. Justice High Schoolvarsity team type an ordinal grader although he deals with racially charg