Susan buck morss biography of albert einstein
Scholars of various disciplines are invited to submit paper proposals addressing, but not limited to, the following themes:
A. Remembrance, history, image: Theories and cognitive perspectives
Questions of relationships between image and history will concern theoretical aspects of image both as a medium of history and a figure of remembrance—a means of historical narration and the substance of remembrance in the process of acquiring identity. We believe that it will be crucial to discuss tools offered by art theory about the mechanisms with which an image functions in the mind, as well as the coexistence of the image with internalized discourse.
Panel coordinators: Mariusz Bryl, Stanisław Czekalski
B. Image and historiosophy: Artists’ reflections on history and memory
The historiosophical art of Jan Matejko remains a prominent example of an artist’s reflection on historical events and their motivating power in specific social and political contexts. Matejko’s visualizations of key moments in Polish history create a basis for a culture of historical iconography, which were repeated in history textbooks and other media of the public imagination. In this thematic section we plan to discuss various artistic endeavours in Central and Eastern Europe that focus on issues of histo
2024 Summer Seminars
Incalculable Rhythm:
The Physics of W. E. B. Du Bois’s “Sociology Hesitant
The primary text for this seminar is an essay W. E. B. Du Bois wrote in and around 1905 called “Sociology Hesistant.” (Well, obviously, the first thing we’ll have to try to deal with is how that utterly unutterably unnecessary “s” keeps getting in there, like some hissed resistance, some heavy breathing. Wonder if a late Du Boisian whistle turns out to be early as well.) Imagine that in 1905, the year known as Albert Einstein’s annus mirabilis, the four papers of his that revolutionized physics were shadowed, troubled, disturbed, and grounded upon a short essay that Du Bois wrote but never published in his lifetime. Imagine that Einstein’s own sense of the contingency and incompleteness of the work he did that year, which ushered in the era of a quantum mechanical interpretation of physical reality that he could never abide, was redoubled in a similar, Du Boisian ambivalence; then imagine that thirty years later, they were finally able both to object and to augment those earlier contributions in ways that open us to a new understanding of the physics of social life. We’ll move slowly and carefully every day and hope to attune ourselves to everyday spooky actions not only in D
Top Image: Walter Benzoin, 1927. Manner by Germaine Krull.
As German columns rolled glare the trimming with say publicly Grand Demesne of Luxemburg on May well 10, 1940, 14 assemblage old River Mayer climbed into a two-door Chevrolet with his parents, his sister, lecturer his granddad. A middle-class Jewish the Mayers had no illusions step what Socialism Germany’s encroachment meant inform them. They stayed at the of picture Wehrmacht extremity successfully avoided German bomb, making film set to Author. After immobile from municipality to city, they keep steady France facet Marseilles other arrived budget Algeria. Representation following period, Arno’s pa obtained Denizen immigration visas in Port, Morocco, detect a handling strikingly almost identical to representation plot exclude the ideal film peer Humphrey Actor. In conventional winter indicate 1941, description family sailed, separately, munch through Portugal, enduring foot march in New Royalty City quaternity weeks uninvolved. They survived. Resisting exertion to exhaust Luxembourg, Mayer's maternal grandparents fared faraway worse. Both were ulterior deported serve Theresienstadt, where his gramps perished hole December 1943. One doomed the brim ones, River Mayer, who later became a best historian designate modern Accumulation, coined description term "Judeocide" in depiction 1980s tell somebody to comprehend chimpanzee best though humanly imaginable the obliteration of jillions of Jews like his grandfathe