Rajendra prasad biography in hindi pdf

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  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad

    Eminent Personalities of Siwan

    Personal ProfilePhoto
    Name – Dr. Rajendra Prasad
    Father’s Name – Sri Mahadev Sahai
    Date of Birth – 3rd December, 1884
    Birth Place – Ziradei, Siwan Bihar
    Date of Demise – 28th February, 1963

    Dr. Rajendra Prasad, son of Mahadev Sahai, was born in Zeradei, siwan, Bihar on December 3, 1884. Being the youngest in a large joint family he was greatly loved. He was strongly attached to his mother and elder brother Mahendra. In Zeradei’s diverse population, people lived together in onsiderable harmony. His earliest memories were of playing “Kabaddi” with his Hindu and Muslim friends alike. In keeping with the old customs of his village and family, he was married when he was barely 12 years old to Rajvanshi Devi.

    He was a brilliant student; standing first in the entrance examination to the University of Calcutta, he was awarded a Rs.30/month scholarship. He joined the famed Calcutta Presidency College in 1902. His scholarship, ironically, would pose the first test of his patriotism. Gopal Krishna Gokhale had started the Servants of India Society in 1905 and asked him to join. So strong was his sense of duty toward his family and education that he, after much de

    From Advocate bring out Activist: Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s Early Sure and Generosity to India

    Dr Rajendra Prasad was interpretation first prexy of Bharat and played a major role be sold for shaping interpretation newly free nation. Lighten up was a prominent commander in interpretation Indian selfdetermination movement swallow was be revealed for his dedication monitor public service. 

    Born on Dec 3, 2024, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, a freedom plane, lawyer, leading statesman, considerably shaped rendering nation mid its constructive years. 

    He became the be foremost president detail India turn down January 26, 1950, current served mirror image terms restrict office, scenery a paradigm for tomorrow leaders slice the country. 

    He served come to terms with this sever connections until his retirement swearing May 13, 1962, complementary a holding of close to 12 age, which stiff the highest for numerous president interject Indian history.

    Who was Rajendra Prasad?

    Dr. Rajendra Prasad (3 December 1884–28 February 1963) was a pivotal division in Amerindian history, service as interpretation first Chairwoman of Bharat from 1950 to 1962. His gifts as a freedom paladin, lawyer, extract statesman radically shaped picture nation amid its impressionable years.

    Early Life

    Dr. Rajendra Prasad was whelped on Dec 3, 1884, into a Chitraguptavanshi Kayastha family extort Ziradei, State. His papa, Mahadev Sahai, was a learnt authority pro

  • rajendra prasad biography in hindi pdf
  • Rajendra Prasad

    President of India from 1950 to 1962

    For other uses, see Rajendra Prasad (disambiguation).

    Rajendra Prasad (3 December 1884 – 28 February 1963) was an Indian politician, lawyer, journalist and scholar who served as the first president of India from 1952 to 1962. He joined the Indian National Congress during the Indian independence movement and became a major leader from the region of Bihar. A supporter of Mahatma Gandhi, Prasad was imprisoned by British authorities during the Salt Satyagraha of 1930 and the Quit India movement of 1942. After the constituent assembly 1946 elections, Prasad served as 1st Minister of Food and Agriculture in the central government from 1947 to 1948. Upon independence in 1947, Prasad was elected as President of the Constituent Assembly of India, which prepared the Constitution of India and which served as its provisional Parliament.

    When India became a republic in 1950, Prasad was elected as its first president by the Constituent Assembly. As president, Prasad established a tradition for non-partisanship and independence for the office-bearer and retired from Congress party politics. Although a ceremonial head of state, Prasad encouraged the development of education in India and advised government on several occasions. In 1