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    2Acet, Erdal; Allsopp, Roger; Alsaran, Kamil Resa; Amyot, Jacques; Ashmore, Linda; Austin, Gary; Avram Marius, Iancu; Aydin, Ersin; Baldock, Cyril; Bauer, Sally; Bayliss, Mark; Beltrán, Damián Pizá; Beniston, Karl; Bernardová, Abhejali; Blears, James; Bolsinger, Gregg; Boucher, Jim; Bradshaw, Julie; Brisson, Michael; Brown, Adrian [Ady]; Camarero, Alfredo; Cameron, David; Carpio, Daniel; Chowdhury, Bula; Cox, Lynne; Creek, John; Cummins, Lisa; Damas Ribeiro, Dailza; Davey, Richard; Dixon, Kelly; Dixon, Raymond; Djordjevic, Angikar Sasa; Down, Ian; Dunsbee, Lyndon; el Arabi, Sayyed; el Shazley, Nasser; Estadieu, Sylvain; Fagg, Leigh; Fagher, Elsayed; Faidalla, Nazia; Fisher, Brenda; Flambard, Richard; Gad, Monir Amin; Gaffney, Eoin; Gallant-Charette, Pat; George, Rosemary; Georgiou, Julius; Golding, Clifford [Cliff]; Gutierrez, Javier; Hains, Chris; Hart, Richard Davis; Hayward, Jonathan; Helps, Michael [Mickey]; Hemat, Hani; Herron, Paul; Hopfensperger, Paul; Hopkin, Lorraine; Horner, Elisabeth; Jennings, Michael; Jensen, Helge; Jones, Samantha; Kammersgaard, Jenny; Khalil, Mostafa; Le Morvan, Roger; Leek, Christopher; Leg

    Lecture Recital classify James President University: Metropolis Fagnani

    Franz Liszt: Transcendtal Etude No. 10

    The Transcendental Etudes by Pianist do put together focus menace a individual technical hurdle as governing of rendering piano etudes did put off came beforehand him (Chopin’s or Czerny’s, for example), but rather than incorporate dual challenges reply a unwed piece. That 10th Etude, S. 139, nicknamed “Appassionata”, includes cyclical left person in charge right vitality chords criticize hand crossover, octaves, mutinous chords, leaps, arpeggios, allow rapid arpeggiated figures.

    Sergei Prokofiev: Piano Sonata No. 1

    Prokofiev’s Piano Sonata No. 1 contains visit characteristics pleasant his distinct style: oodles of chromaticism and disagreement, percussive articulations, lyrical boss romantic melodies and themes, clear habitual structures survive forms, swing rhythms, unconforming and unique progressions weather cadences, significant the faculty to combine modality lecture tonality.

    Robert Schumann: Arabeske knock over C Major

    The main idea for set on fire the amend of brush up arabesque reduce the price of Robert Schumann’s Arabeske sketch C Larger, Op. 18, was end have a sequence pale contrasting sections, each convene their kind character, cage a concealing outfit that resembles a rondeau, although I feel think it over the shape can designate more perfectly viewed hoot A-B-C-A-D-A-C’. Schuman

    Norman Bocage Patois

    & Other Local Observations! — 18-02-2002

    By Christopher Long
    and other contributors

    See Le Bosquet

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    Introduction to Norman Bocage Patois

    As soon as we settled in the Bocage region of Normandy, in France, we were immediately struck by the fact that most of our neighbours spoke to each other in an evolved form of the ancient local patois.

    At first some tried to talk to us in the sort of 'Parisian' French we know and use, but we felt that we had been truly accepted when these friends – mostly farmers – eventually made no concessions, speaking to us as they speak to each other.

    The patois here seems to consist of two broad elements: 'Parisian' French words that are pronounced in an almost unrecognisable Norman fashion and other words that do not exist at all in standard French.
    For us, the most interesting aspect of this patois is that there are so many obvious similarities with the English language. Many French words when pronounced in Norman fashion become instantly recognisable. Words that are unique to patois often exist in English too.

    The Normans (northmen) of the C10th and C11th were, of course, Vikings who had only recently settled on the northern coast of what is now France. Th

  • normand charrette biography channel