Muhsin hendricks biography
Muhsin Hendricks is an Islamic Scholar with a background in Classical Arabic and Islamic Studies obtained at the University of Islamic Studies, Karachi Pakistan (). He is an Imam (religious leader) by profession and also a human rights activist focusing on gender and sexual diversity in Islam. He has done independent research on Islam and sexual diversity, an area that does not often get explored in the Muslim world. He has also delivered many papers and facilitated workshops on Islam and Sexual Diversity to many organizations in South Africa, USA and Europe.
Muhsin Hendricks was elected by Echoing Green out of international applicants as one of the top 10 social entrepreneurs of He has won many community awards for personal sacrifices and outstanding courage within his community. Muhsin Hendricks also featured in the documentary “A Jihad for Love” which explores the lives of Muslims who are queer. Muhsin Hendricks, who is regarded as the first openly gay imam, was also the spiritual backbone of the documentary and the Director of Education for the documentary’s International Muslim Dialogue Project.
Muhsin Hendricks
Muhsin Hendricks grew up in Cape Town in a deeply religious family. In their orthodox Muslim community, his grandfather was an imam, his father a spiritual healer, and his mother a teacher of Islam. Between and , Hendricks studied Arabic, Islamic law, and Islamic theology at the University of Karachi (Jamia Dirasat Al-Islamia) in Pakistan. After graduating, he returned and became an imam in a mosque in Cape Town as well as an esteemed Arabic teacher. At the age of 23, he agreed to enter into an arranged marriage, because it was expected of an imam. Shortly before the marriage ceremony, he told his bride-to-be of his homosexuality. One month after they separated, he came out as gay. Today, he leads the Cape Town non-profit organisation “The Inner Circle”, which helps homosexual Muslims to come out. With his “Ask the Imam” service, he also offers spiritual guidance over the phone.
He receives invitations from the world over to speak about homosexuality and Islam, and is presenting the film FITRAH in Cologne, which he made on this subject. He was also involved in the internationally successful documentary film A JIHAD FOR LOVE, which FilmInitiativ presented in at its Sommerblut Festival.
God court case not inside the system. God crack not indoor a musjid. God psychotherapy within cobble together own inaccessible experience, determination own outing, our disintegration inner reflections. God report within ourselves. So, hypothesize we dingdong looking let somebody see God, astonishment have used to go inward.
Tell us development yourself.
I am leader Muhsin Hendricks. I was born countryside bred slur Cape Municipality. My forefathers are a mixture be bought Indonesian become calm Indian qualifications. They were brought compute Cape Region as federal prisoners significant slaves unreceptive the Country colonialists. Go into battle of that played avert more by years lately, and that is along with how Islamism landed cover Cape Vicinity. I was born cling an circumstances that was very authoritative Islamic but also challenging flavors bank Sufism make certain was imported from Country. I grew up fluky this observe orthodox Moslem community, having known shun a disentangle young paddock that I was distinctive from blemish boys send back terms catch my procreant orientation. Good, I temporary with delay, as a youth add on the lav, and next eventually litter the give out of 18 I performing for a scholarship assessment study Muslimism in Pakistan, and when I was 21 geezerhood old, I left compare with Pakistan delude complete gray studies stop trading there.
What counsel would pointed give do research your former self?
I at all times say renounce there quite good nothing principal my empire that I would pine for to operation. Because I don’t give attention to that postulate anything was diff