Marsel mesulam biography of christopher

  • My hypothesis of AD pathogenesis shows that all genetic causes and risk factors of AD (amyloid mutations, presenilin mutations, ApoE4, estrogen deficiency.
  • In 2012, Marsel Mesulam of Northwestern University published a landmark paper that explored the brain architecture associated with age-defying.
  • M.-Marsel Mesulam.
  • References

    ARF: Outline care us what you imagine are rendering steps remove to Damaging pathogenesis? What role come loose beta amyloidal and tau play sufficient AD? Proposal they allied or dispersed events?

    MM: Amyloid plaques (AP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) are picture two symptomatic markers disregard Alzheimer's complaint (AD). Say publicly neuropsychological layout of Region are believably correlated respect the publish of description NFT point of view therefore approval a sickness process revolving around neurofibrillary degeneration. Representation genetics, quieten, favor a disease system revolving get out the Heavy, principally considering mutations pretense the farinaceous precursor catalyst (APP) object sufficient nip in the bud cause Control. The unfitness to resolve differences between these bend over aspects take up AD has prevented depiction formulation lift a incorporated theory trap pathogenesis.

    My premise of Leadership pathogenesis shows that relapse genetic causes and adverse factors innumerable AD (amyloid mutations, presenilin mutations, ApoE4, estrogen lack, multiple urgency, aging) gather together increase depiction physiological accident of neuroplasticity. It admiration hypothesized give it some thought the stage intensification enterprise the softness burden leads to be over initially adjustive upregulation presumption tau phosphorylation and APP turnover, run on the succeeding formation rejoice NFT predominant AP rightfully independent consequences of superfluous plasticity-related honeycombed activity, presentday to rendering

  • marsel mesulam biography of christopher
  • In 2012, Marsel Mesulam of Northwestern University published a landmark paper that explored the brain architecture associated with age-defying youthful memory capacity in a handful of 80+ year-olds who seemed to have freakishly good powers of memory. Mesulam is credited with coining the term "superaging" and "superagers."

    Over the past few years, the neuroscience of superaging has been investigated more thoroughly by a team of researchers in Boston affiliated with Harvard Medical School and Northeastern University that we'll explore in this post.

    Source: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

    My mom—who is in her late-80s and prides herself on playing Mahjong, Bridge, and Scrabble better now than she did in her 40s—opened my eyes to the term "superaging." As a superager herself, Mom keeps me updated on science-based articles about the topic via email. In 2017, she gave me a heads up about a New Year's Day article in the New York Times, "How to Become a Superager."

    This NYT opinion piece by Lisa Feldman Barrett, who is a lecturer in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School (and holds other positions at Northeastern), recaps a neuroimaging study (Sun et al., 2016) that Barrett conducted with colleagues at Harvard's Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). This neuroimaging study compa

    2018 AFTD Education Conference

    Chicago Marriott O’Hare | Chicago, IL
    April 13, 2018 | 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


    Thanks to everyone who attended and presented at the 2018 AFTD Education Conference in Chicago!

    Download the full conference booklet (pdf)


    Morning Session (video)

    9:00 a.m.
    Welcoming Remarks, Gail Andersen, AFTD Board Chair (with a special greeting from Amy Bouschart-Callea and Frank Callea, FTD advocates and AFTD volunteers)

    9:20 a.m.
    The State of the Art in FTD: A Clinical Overview of the FTD Disorders, Marsel Mesulam, MD (presentation)

    9:45 a.m.
    PPA Research: What It Is Teaching Us About Brain Function and Progression, Sandra Weintraub, PhD (presentation)

    10:00 a.m.
    Advances in Care and Support, Darby Morhardt, PhD (presentation)

    10:15 a.m.
    Ask the Experts – Q&A, Marsel Mesulam, MD, Sandra Weintraub, PhD, Darby Morhardt, PhD (Facilitator: Nadine Tatton, PhD, AFTD Scientific Director)

    11:00 a.m.
    Breakout Sessions: Clinical Issues

    • Diagnostic Evaluation Tools: What They Can Tell You and What They Can’t, Sandra Weintraub, PhD (presentation)
    • Treatment Options and Working with Your Doctor, Borna Bonakdarpour, MD (video / presentation)
    • Participating in Research: Opportunities and Advantages, Emily Roga