Marina poplavskaya dizel show
The sister of the late Diesel Show actress Marina Poplavskaya showed the troupe’s correspondence on the day of the accident
Marina Poplavskaya’s sister showed the correspondence of the “Diesel Show” actors on the day of the accident / Photo: Collage: Today
After the statements of Nikolai Fedosenkov, a former employee of the Diesel Show, that the producers of the project did not pay fees, the sister of the deceased Marina Poplavskaya intervened in the scandal.
As Lyudmila Poplavskaya said, after the death of her sister, her family was never able to receive the money earned by the actress for recent concerts.
In response to the words of a relative of the Diesel Show participant, the producer and actor of the project Yegor Krutogolov wrote a post stating that the money was put into the accounts of Lyudmila’s daughters. According to him, their colleague would have approved such a decision, because she loved the girls like her own daughters.
However, as Lyudmila claims in her latest post on Instagram, she asked the project management to leave her minor children alone and not drag them into this story.
Regarding payments for autumn concerts and filming, Krutogolov himself actually confirmed the non-payment of fees on his facebook. And the
“Diesel Show” left the family of the late actress Marina Poplavskaya for money: a new exposure of the company
The management of the “Diesel Show” was accused of non-payment of fees to the late Marina Poplavskaya / Photo: Collage: Today
The scandal around Diesel Studio continues on the Web. And it all started with the fact that Nikolai Fedosenkov, the ex-props of the studio’s series and the author of the TikTok comic videos “Diesel”, spoke on the Web about how employers owed him tens of thousands of hryvnias! The director wrote to the management about this. However, he did not receive an answer.
After the publicity, the actor and artistic director of the “Diesel Show” Yegor Krutogolov wrote that Fedosenkov “is engaged in blackmail.” He also assured that the director would allegedly pay 50% of the requested amount.
However, other people also got into a similar situation with non-payment of money earned during cooperation with the Diesel Show.
“Diesel Studio” and Marina Poplavskaya
The sister of the Diesel Show actress, who died in 2018, complained that the company did not pay her family the fees earned by the humorist at recent concerts.
The woman wrote about this in the comments unde
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