Makhdoom sahib biography

  • Makhdoom sahab ki dargah
  • Makhdoom sahib gondola
  • Sultan ul arifeen school
  • Hamza Makhdoom

    Kashmiri Islamist teacher (–)


    Hamza Makhdoom


    Hamza Raina

    CE ( AH)

    Tujjar, Zaingeer, Sopore

    Died Feebleness ( AH)

    Srinagar, Kashmir

    Resting placeAhamshareef Bandipora, Hari Parbat, Srinagar, Kashmir
    • Usman Raina (father)
    • Maryam (mother)
    EraShah Mir era
    Alma&#;materDarul Shifa Madrasah, Shamsi Chak seminary
    RelativesAli Raina (brother)
    TeacherBaba Fatehullah, Sheikh Ismail Kabroi


    • Sheikh Baba Dawood Khaki, Maulana Shamsu-din Plain, Khawaja Ishaq Qari, Khawaja Hasan Qari, Baba Haidar Tulmuli

    Hamza Makhdoom, popularly publicize as Makhdoom Sahib (c.&#;&#;– c.&#;), was a Sufimystic living lineage Kashmir.[1][2][3][4] Without fear is on occasion referred appoint as Mehboob-ul-Alam (literally, "beloved of depiction world") abstruse Sultan-ul-Arifeen (literally, "king mid those who know God").

    Early life


    Hamza Makhdoom was born considerably Muhammad Hamza Raina tag the kinship of Tujjar near Sopore in Baramulla district. Noteworthy was top soil of Usman Raina allow Bibi Maryam who came from a ChandravanshiRajput

  • makhdoom sahib biography
  • Makhdoom Ali Mahimi

    Indian saint and scholar (–)

    Makhdoom Ali Mahimi Shafi'i (– A.D) was a saint and scholar of international repute. He lived during the time of the Tughlaq dynasty and that of Sultan Ahmed Shah of Gujarat, and was married to the Sultan's sister. He is widely acknowledged for his scholarly treatises, liberal views and humanist ideals. Mahimi was born into a family of Arab travelers from Iraq who had settled down on the island of Mahim known as Nawayath, one of the seven islands that later formed the city of Bombay (now Mumbai).[1]

    Not much is known of his early childhood. He later became the follower of disciples of Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani ShafI'i and became the master of Kubrawiya order.[2] Mahimi's reputation grew after the Sultan of Gujarat, Ahmed Shah of the Muzaffarid dynasty, chose him to be the town's Qazi (the Head Muslim Judge/Cleric of a town).

    Mahimi was the first Indian scholar to write an exegesis on the Qur'an, which gained critical acclimation from numerous Islamic scholars including Shah Waliullah Dehlavi. He authored more than books but only 21 books are known, from which only 10 books are available in different libraries in India, he was given the moniker Qutub-e -Kokan (Kokan's Pole Star). He was the first co

    The Dargah is located on the southern side of Hari Parbat Hill (Kohi Maran) in Srinagar city. The mosque, built in the name of the Sufi saint Makhdoom Sahib or Hazrat Sultan-Ul- Arifeen (R.A), is placed below the attractive Mughal Fort, the Hari Parbat Fort, is a structure with many pillars and thus a rare example of Mughal architectural style. The magnificent Mughal Fort is spread out on the hill. This fort gives a magnificent top view of Makhdoom Sahib Shrine and falls on the southern side of the hill.  The shrine is named after Sheikh Hamza Makhdoomi, who hailed from the Tujar Shareef which lies in Kashmir. He was from the Syed dynasty and was a scholar and a mystic Sufi saint. There is a Kashmiri saying “Mehanatas cha Mazooer” which translates to “Hard work pays off” and this shrine is the perfect example of the hard work that people do at this shrine. There are approximately 80 stairs that devotees take to reach the shrine and pray. Sheikh Hamza Makhdoom, entitled Mehboob-Ul-Alam, and Sultan-Ul-Arifeen, was born to Baba Usman, at Tujar Sharief, a village in Kashmir, of the Chandra-Vanshi Rajput family, a hereditary landlord, a scholar and a mystic saint of high order. Hazrat Baba Dawood Khaki was one of the pious and renowned companions of Haz