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Bifurcation and stability of single and multiple vortex rings in three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates
Bisset, R. N.; Wang, Wenlong; Ticknor, C.; ...
Here, we investigate how single- and multi-vortex-ring states can emerge from a planar dark soliton in three-dimensional (3D) Bose-Einstein condensates (confined in isotropic or anisotropic traps) through bifurcations. We characterize such bifurcations quantitatively using a Galerkin-type approach and find good qualitative and quantitative agreement with our Bogoliubov–de Gennes (BdG) analysis. We also systematically characterize the BdG spectrum of the dark solitons, using perturbation theory, and obtain a quantitative match with our 3D BdG numerical calculations. We then turn our attention to the emergence of single- and multi-vortex-ring states. We systematically capture these as stationary states of the system and quantifymore » their BdG spectra numerically. We found that although the vortex ring may be unstable when bifurcating, its instabilities weaken and may even eventually disappear for sufficiently large chemical potentials and suitable trap settings. For instance, we demonstrate the stability of the vortex ring for an isotropic trap in the large-chemical-potential regime.« less
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Children’s literature to promote students’ global development and wellbeing
Background: Tales were transmitted from one generation to another, enriching young people with values, beliefs, imagination and creativity. Children’s literature still plays a crucial part in education as it provides knowledge and entertainment, representing a typical example of "edutainment". In this paper, we carried out a review to examine pedagogic, didactic and psychological/therapeutic dimensions of children’s literature, with the aim of highlighting its role in promoting students’ holistic development and wellbeing.
Methods: We have searched for original articles (from 1960s to 2019), by using the following keywords: "fairytales" or "fairy tales" or "folktales" or "fables" AND "education" or"development" or "learning" or "teaching" or "school" or "curriculum" or "classroom" AND "children" or "child" or "kids" or "childhood" AND "health" or "wellbeing".
Results: We found 17 studies concerning pedagogic aspect of children literature, while 21 and17 studies were selected for didactic and therapeutic dimensions, respectively. From a pedagogic point of view, tales convey basic values useful for children lives. In a didactic perspective, properly chosen storybooks represent a valua