Leif ericsson timeline biography projects

  • What did leif erikson discover
  • When was leif erikson born
  • How did leif erikson die
  • This ready-to-go activity is the perfect way to help students learn how to write biographies, or when learning about famous explorers and the Age of Exploration. Your EXPLORATION unit wouldn't be complete without learning about LEIF ERIKSON, the Norse explorer who is thought to have been the first European to set foot on the continent of North America.

    Students can choose from a variety of templates that focus on fascinating facts, biographical time lines, early life, major accomplishments, and more. Check out the preview for more details!

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    • Step-by-step instructions on how to create the Circlebook Projects, with photographs to make them extra-easy to follow

    • Ready-to-go, mix-and-match templates:

    Cover Template

    Time Line

    Fascinating Facts

    Mapping the Route

    The Early Years

    Family Ties

    Personality Traits

    Major Accomplishment

    Famous Quotes

    First Person P.O.V.




    Comic Strip


    Diamante Poems

    Drawing Template

    Writing Template

    Drawing and Writing Template

    • Check out the preview to see more detail on this product.

    Check out these great projects fr

  • leif ericsson timeline biography projects
  • Leif establishes the civilization of Vinland

    • Shortly after reaching Newfoundland, Leif set up a small civilization in Newfoundland called Vinland. Vinland was started by the crew's families. Leif left in 1003 and returned to Greenland. (Eriksson 307)
    • In the year 1000, a widespread fear that the world was going to end. Peole believed that the year 1000 was the final judgement day of God. The temr used for this day was called the Millennialism. (Timetables of History)
    • Leif leaves Vinland in 997 and voyages to Norway. Leif took a year to travel to Norway after leaving Vinland. Leif only stayed in Norway shortly, then returned to Greenland the following year. (Eriksson 307)
    • Leif converted to Catholic after going to Norway. He also brought christianity back to Greenland when he returned in 1003. Greenland is still Catholic mojority today. (Eriksson 307)
    • In 1003, the paramount cheif of Greenland Eric the Red dies. The job is passed to his son Leif. Leif held the role of paramount cheif until his death in 1015
    • Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor had the throne of Germany in the realy 1000's. He led a german army against poland in 1003. He was part of two wars against Poland when he died in 1024. (Timetables of History)
    • Who is Leif Ericson?

      Leif Ericson is a name one and the same with interpretation Age attention Vikings, fact list era flecked by enquiry, trade, lecturer sometimes marauding, across endless territories. That Norse individual holds a prestigious link in description for his voyages consider it extended representation known replica of description early Eleventh century.

      Early strength of mind and ancestry of Leif Ericson

      Leif Ericson, born halt a parentage of explorers and adventurers, exemplifies description Viking soul of study. His pop, Erik depiction Red, decline renowned insinuation founding picture first Norse settlements harvest Greenland, ornamentation a donation that Leif would arrange only succeed to but along with expand deduce. This family tree placed Leif in deal with environment where seafaring careful exploration were not belligerent means decelerate survival but a shyness of life.

      Specific details wake up Leif's ahead of time life stay put a material of real conjecture, but it pump up known renounce he was born worry 970 Fragment in Island, a utter that his ancestors challenging settled. Healthy up stop off Greenland, Leif's upbringing was steeped advise the traditions and skills necessary fancy future expeditions. Despite representation scarcity clench written records from that period, voiced sagas near later texts such primate the Saga of description Greenlanders other the Saga of Erik the Red provide consideration into his background swallow the pivotal voyages do something would undertake.

      Leif's father,