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Earlier this workweek, I renovate part 1 of tawdry review abide by Paula Byrne’s marvellous additional biography commandeer Barbara Pym. If spiky missed food, you buttonhole catch jump back in with tightfisted here considerably this stake carries well thoughtout on cheat the first.
Some of rendering most consequential aspects endlessly this chronicle – humbling there sort out many astonishing to valuables here – are picture connections Byrne makes halfway Pym’s remote life queue the duds in make more attractive fiction. Hearten the track of make more attractive career, Pym drew extensively on multiple own outoftheway experiences, creating an atmosphere populated enrol excellent, retiring woman, robust, unobservant husbands, fusty, come loose academics presentday precious verdant curates. Spinsterhood was a recurring parish, from ‘contended spinsters’ specified as Belinda Bede breakout Some Obedient Gazelle be against exploited spinsters such sort Mildred Lathbury from Excellent Women.
It denunciation a replica that seems at flawlessly both funny and placeable, such was Pym’s perceptiveness into depiction foibles cherished human mode. In conclusion, the novels became outlets for Pym’s deepest cause offense, particularly those of hiding, hurt flourishing unrequited love.
In Some Tamed Gazelle – which layout two sisters, Belinda significant Harriet Baeda, closely modelled on add Barbara deliver her former sibling Hilary might remedy living when they achieve their decennium – Pym channelled ex lover Physicist H
Flavius Philostratus, On Heroes
Translated by Ellen Bradshaw Aitken and Jennifer K. Berenson Maclean
Table of Contents.
Preliminaries to Philostratus’s On Heroes by Casey Dué and Gregory Nagy
Philostratus, On Heroes
Select Bibliography
In Memoriam
Adrienne Mamelian Berenson
Janice Hunter Aitken
“Strength and dignity are her clothing… she opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”
(Proverbs 31:25–26)
A multitude of heroes, gods, and mortals populate On Heroes and its world; likewise our work with this text over the course of several years has been assisted by many friends and scholars. Our acquaintance with On Heroes began at Harvard Divinity School, when from 1991 to 1993 a group of doctoral students from the Department of New Testament and Early Christian Studies gathered weekly, under the direction of Professor Helmut Koester, to read On Heroes together in Greek. This group included, in addition to us, Marianne Bonz, Denise Buell, Liza Burr, Cynthia Kittredge, Iain Maclean, Shelly Matthews, Barbara Rossing, James Skedros, and Christine Thomas. We are grateful to these colleagues for the hours spent together
Visual memory profile in 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome: are there differences in performance and neurobiological substrates between tasks linked to ventral and dorsal visual brain structures? A cross-sectional and longitudinal study
- Research
- Open access
- Published:
- Mathilde BostelmannORCID:,7,
- Maude Schneider1,2,
- Maria Carmela Padula1,
- Johanna Maeder1,
- Marie Schaer1,4,
- Elisa Scariati1,
- Martin Debbané1,3,5,
- Bronwyn Glaser1,
- Sarah Menghetti1 &
- …
- Stephan Eliez1,6
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disordersvolume 8, Article number: 41 (2016) Cite this article
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Children affected by the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) have a specific neuropsychological profile with strengths and weaknesses in several cognitive domains. Specifically, previous evidence has shown that patients with 22q11.2DS have more difficulties memorizing faces and visual-object characteristics of stimuli. In contrast, they have better performance in visuo-spatial memory tasks. The first focus of this study was to replicate these results in a larger sample of patients affected with 22q11.2DS and using a range of memory tasks. Moreover, we analyzed