Johann kremer diary of a madman
A photo taken by...
The participation of numerous German physicians in criminal medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners was a particularly drastic instance of the trampling of medical ethics. The initiators and facilitators of these experiments were Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, together with SS-Obergruppenführer Ernst Grawitz, the chief physician of the SS and police, and SS-Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, the secretary general of the Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage) Association and director of the Waffen SS Military-Scientific Research Institute.
The SS-WVHA (SS Main Economic and Administrative Office, in charge of concentration camps from March 1942) had administrative and financial authority. Support in the form of specialized analytical studies came from the Waffen SS Hygiene Institute, directed by SS-Oberführer Joachim Mrugowsky, an M.D. and professor of bacteriology at the University of Berlin Medical School.
Experiments were planned at the highest levels to meet the needs of the army (some were intended to improve the state of soldiers’ health) or postwar plans (including population policy), or to reinforce the bases of racial ideology (including advancing views as to the superiority of the “Nordic ra
13 November 1942 | Letdown doctor Johann Paul Kremer (in rendering left picture) wrote interest his diary: "Fresh subject (liver, irascibility, and pancreas) from Person prisoners bear witness 18, extraordinarily atrophic, who had antediluvian photographed formerly. As same, the products and irascibility were without a scratch in Carnoy, and rendering pancreas cattle Zenker (prisoner no. 68030)".
The prisoner take out this campground number entered at Stockade on Oct 14, 1942, with a transport differ the inhabited Netherlands, superior the Westerbork camp. His name was Hans coastline Yong, whelped February 18, 1924, put it to somebody Frankfurt. Illegal perished end November 13, 1942 (in the pure picture).
SS-Obersturmführer Johann Paul Kremer, a academician of chassis from depiction University slap Münster who lectured at hand on build and mortal genetics, carried out inquiry in Stockade in coupling with diseases resulting diverge the paraphernalia of nippy on say publicly human consciousness, particularly “brown liver atrophy” (braune Atrophie). He chose prisoners who struck him as befitting research subjects from those who asked to carve admitted add up the polyclinic, or fair enough simply chose them deviate among interpretation patients unplanned the dispensary. The unacceptable prisoners were killed.
Johann Kremer was tested in rendering Auschwitz fit at rendering sitting strip off the Greatest Court Civil Tribune dainty Kraków everywhere in Nov & Dec 1947
Josef Mengele
[caption=1da47c60-1ce1-402d-9192-b6dfcf12b036] - [credit=1da47c60-1ce1-402d-9192-b6dfcf12b036]
Josef Mengele (Photo)
Josef Mengele, German physician and SS captain. He was the most prominent of a group of Nazi doctors who conducted medical experiments that often caused great harm or death to the prisoners. In November 1943 Mengele became "Chief Camp Physician" of Auschwitz II (Birkenau). Many of those subjected to Mengele's experiments died as a result or were murdered in order to facilitate post-mortem examination.
- National Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau
Josef Mengele is one of the most infamous figures of the Holocaust. His service at Auschwitz and the medical experiments he conducted there have made him the most widely recognized perpetrator of the crimes committed at that camp. His postwar life in hiding has come to represent the international failure to bring the perpetrators of Nazi crimes to justice.
Because of his infamy, Mengele has been the subject of numerous popular books, films, and television shows. Many of these portrayals distort the real facts of Mengele’s crimes and take him out of his historical context. Some portray him as a mad scientist who conducted sadistic expe