International autobiography association

  • The International AutoBiography Association (IABA) is an interdisciplinary international group founded in to create a way for researchers and cultural.
  • IABA Asia-Pacific aims to foster new region-specific conversations about life writing and to encourage regional participation in the global IABA conference.
  • Founded Beijing China.
  • International Autobiography Association

    The International AutoBiography Association (IABA) is an interdisciplinary international group founded in to create a way for researchers and cultural producers in the field of biography, autobiography and life writing to share their work.

    IABA is a way for scholars around the world to

        • attend biennial international and regional conferences about life writing

        • connect to each other through the IABA-L listserve

        • create collaborative publications and other projects

        • find and support publication venues, networks and research centres dedicated to life writing

    Since , members of IABA have run an international conference every two years in locations that have included China, Canada, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Want to know more about the history of IABA? check out About IABA and Archives or General Meetings and Programs for photos, conference reports, and conference programs.

    IABA does not have a formal membership process. It has a free listserv that informs its members about upcoming conferences, publications and other events connected to the study of autobiography, life writing and biography. IABA is maintained by an informal executive group of senior scholars, most of whom have run

  • international autobiography association
  • Life-Writing in Times of Crisis​ 

    We are pleased to announce that the next IABA Europe Conference will be held in Warsaw, Poland, from July 5th to July 8th The conference will be held on-site only. The theme of the conference, Life-Writing in Times of Crisis, relates to the challenges we have had to face in Europe and all around the world in recent years. A lot has changed since the IABA Europe conference in Madrid. The accelerating climate crisis, the COVID–19 pandemic, and then the war in Ukraine have significantly influenced not only our perception of the world, but also the ways in which we record autobiographical experiences (the practice of writing about one's own life). A crucial component of the difficult situation in Europe and other parts of the world is the refugee crisis. In recent years, inhabitants of countries affected by wars and terrible conflicts – Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or African states – have been seeking peace among European communities. Today, millions of Ukrainians are in the same situation.

    Contemporary crises may take place on a collective scale and concern events such as war, extermination, the pandemic or economic troubles (rising inflation, unemployment, difficult housing markets), but they can also happen on an individual (personal) s

    International Autobiography Association, Assemblage Conference,

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