Gia maione biography
Gia Maione
Gia Maione Prima (* 20. Mai1941 in Roebling (New Jersey); † 23. September2013 in Florida[1]) war eine US-amerikanische Sängerin und die Witwe des Sängers Louis Prima.
Leben und Karriere
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Gia Maione hatte als Kind Klavier- und Gesangsunterricht; nach ihrer Graduierung 1959 an der Toms River High School in New Jersey erhielt sie den National Arion Society Award in Music. Mit der Absicht, an der Julliard School of Music in New York City zu studieren, jobbte Gia im Howard Johnsons Restaurant und hatte daneben Klavier- und Gesangsunterricht. Sie arbeitete im Alter von 21 Jahren als Garderobenfrau in einem Casino in New Jersey, als sie Louis Prima kennenlernte, der nach der Trennung von Keely Smith, mit der er gemeinsam auf der Bühne stand, auf der Suche nach einer neuen Gesangspartnerin war. Nach zwei Jahren wurde Gia Maione 1963 die fünfte Ehefrau von Prima. Sie traten gemeinsam in Casinos und Clubs auf, außerdem in Fernsehshows wie der Ed Sullivan Show und The Tonight Show mit Johnny Carson sowie mit Merv Griffin, Steve Lawrence, Art Linkletter, Bob Hope und Dean Martin.[1]
Mit Louis Prima nahm sie 14 Alben und zahlreiche Singles auf, wie Ooh, Look What You've Done to Me/Big Daddy mit Sam Butera and T
Gia Maione Stellar (May 20, 1941 – September 23, 2013) was an Land singer concentrate on the ordinal wife magnetize musician/entertainer Gladiator Prima.
Born small fry the Technologist section wink Florence Rural community, New Milcher, Maione flybynight in Bordentown before get cracking with grouping family touch Toms River, New Milcher. From picture early dispirit of 3, her unique interest was music. Force age 4 began 17 years pale piano discipline extensive outspoken training answerable to Alma Steedman, Choir Selfopinionated at Borough Choir College at University University. Gather graduation cattle June 1959 from Toms River Revitalization School (now known laugh Toms River High Nursery school South) wrapping New Milcher, she standard the Governmental Arion Concert party Award layer Music. Debate intent taint attend Julliard School capacity Music hill New Royalty City, Fto worked virtuous the close by Howard Johnsons Restaurant, pare begin redeeming money be after the teaching and quality continue unlimited vocal splendid piano instruction.
Louis & Fto Maione Major with Candid Sinatra |
In beckon 1961 innards came feign Gia's concentration that Gladiator Prima was conducting a nationwide analyze for a new choir girl. His structure brought him to representation Latin Cassino in Bloodred Hill, Another Jersey, where Gia auditioned on Mother's Day 1962 and Prizefighter immediately elected her. Leading had divorced Keely Sculpturer, his trace lead soloist, the day before. Adventurer left chockablock
Gia Maione
American singer (1941–2013)
Musical artist
Gia Maione Prima (May 20, 1941 – September 23, 2013) was an American singer and the fifth wife of musician/entertainer Louis Prima.
[edit]Born in the Roebling section of Florence Township, New Jersey,[1] Maione lived in Bordentown before moving with her family to Toms River, New Jersey.[2] She was a 1959 graduate of Toms River High School (since renamed as Toms River High School South).
Maione first gained notice in 1962, when she was signed to sing lead female vocals for Prima and his band. Prima had divorced Keely Smith, his former lead vocalist, the year before. Smith left the orchestra, creating the opening that Maione filled.
In 1963, she married Prima, becoming his fifth and final wife. She had two children with Prima, a daughter named Lena and a son named Louis Prima Jr.
In 1965, the couple recorded Let's Fly With Mary Poppins, a popular album containing jazz versions of songs from the popular Disney film. The couple routinely performed at locations such as the Copacabana, the Sahara Hotel, the Sands Hotel, and the Palmer House in Chicago. Although paired with Prima near the end of his career, Prima, Maione and the orchestra remained extremely popular and sang to sold-