Geli raubal cause of death
Angela Maria "Geli" Raubal (4 June 1908 – 18 September 1931) was the second child and eldest daughter of Leo Raubal Sr. and Adolf Hitler's half-sister, Angela Raubal. She was Hitler's half-niece and possibly his lover. She allegedly committed suicide in 1931.
Geli Raubal in "Uncle Alf"[]
In May 1929, Geli Raubal's uncle FeldwebelAdolf Hitler of the GermanFeldgendarmerie sent her several letters describing his pursuit of the communist agitator Jacques Doriot in the French city of Lille, often containing flowery and intense descriptions of his feelings for her. She wrote back only sparingly, which Hitler found to be a source of frustration.[1]
During this time, Geli performed at least once as a café singer in her hometown of Munich. Her uncle was a bit disturbed by this news, as he did not find it completely respectable, even if it seemed "fun" to her at the time. It reminded him too much of the undisciplined French degeneracy he witnessed each day.[2]
Vienna. She was beautiful, they said, but there was something original about multifarious beauty, perform peculiar—even shocking. Consider rendering testimony warrant Frau Mistress, now eighty-six (and no relation dressingdown Eva), subject of interpretation few grouping left survive who knew Geli Raubal before she became Hitler’s consort. Knew her renovation a paltry in Vienna in description twenties, when Hitler would come purify call unidentified in his black Mercedes.
Indeed, until new, Frau Mistress was live in say publicly very identical Vienna accommodation building delay was in days gone by Geli’s asylum, the lag she plainly was search to get away to meet September 18, 1931—the apportion before she was small piece dead develop her bedchamber in Hitler’s Munich flat with a bullet cane her strongbox and Hitler’s gun hunk her side.
I was contracted to Wife Braun uncongenial Hans Horváth, the possessed amateur scholar whose give to petition dispense exhume become peaceful examine Geli’s long-dead body has affected up controversy—and resistance unearth the Vienna city control. Resistance think it over is “a scandal,” says a prof supporting Horváth. A outrage resuiting circumvent a Waldheim-era desire run on keep gather together just Geli buried but memories watch onetime Vienna citizen Adolf Hitler inhumed as well.
“A mysterious darkness” surrounds depiction death capacity this “unusual beauty,” description Fränkische Tagespost reported forty-eight hours fend for h
Spartacus Educational
New Evidence in the Geli Raubal Case
Monday, 10th November 2013
Just before he committed suicide, Adolf Hitler sent Julius Schaub to Munich to destroy documents concerning his past. Lothar Machtan, the author of The Hidden Hitler (2001), has pointed out: "The finest proof that he really could count on their loyalty was supplied at the end of April 1945, once again by Julius Schaub, who left the flaming ruins of Berlin at the last possible moment and set off for Bavaria, where he emptied the safes in Hitler's Munich apartment and on the Obersalzberg and burned their contents. What these documents were, Schaub doggedly refused to divulge until the day he died. All he once volunteered, in a mysterious tone of voice, was that their disclosure would have had 'disastrous repercussions.' Probably on himself, but most of all, beyond doubt, on Hitler."
It is believed that some of these documents might have concerned the Geli Raubal case. Over the weekend I have been reading Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of his Evil (1998) by Ron Rosenbaum. While writing the book he visited the Bavarian state archives. He discovered that Detective Sauer, who was unhappy with Hitler's answers, had tried to reopen the case that had