Etienne balibar biography definitions
By Étienne Balibar
Prepared for the Keynote Lecture, International Society for Intellectual History Conference: “Rethinking Europe in Intellectual History,” University of Crete, Rethymnon, 3 May 2016; revised with some changes and a new conclusion on May 6 at the MEGARON Lecture Hall in Athens, as part of the “Birkbeck in Athens Lectures in Critical and Cultural Theory.”
For a long period now—broadly coextensive with what philosophers, sociologists, and some historians of ideas at least call “modernity” (die Neuzeit)—it would seem that questions related to the articulation of the concept of history (or, perhaps better, in a more reflexive manner, historicity, meaning a specific manifestation in time of processes, events, continuous and discontinuous changes, deliberate and involuntary actions) and the concept of politics (or, in a more speculative manner, the concept of the political, including a specific distribution of civil conflict and representation, and an “ontology” of the subjects of political action, such as peoples, nations, classes, leaders and masses, etc.) were revolving around the assessment and the interpretation of the idea ofrevolution. This is not to say that, in history or in politics, there were only revolutionary moments and movements t
Concept : Étienne Balibar
Concept / Étienne Balibar
It is an extremely perilous task to offer a paper among a collection such as this, and especially to have to do it with a tentative definition of the concept of “concept. But it is also a challenge that I take gladly, because it provides me with a unique occasion to return to some philosophical questions that have occupied me throughout my life for reasons many of which have been directly or indirectly evoked over these two days. However, as I started to gather and organize the questions I imagined should be addressed under this heading, I soon realized that I should select only one of the dimensions that intersect in any inquiry into this problem—which in a sense is the “final” one, where philosophy reflects on its own method and its specificity as a discourse (called noesis noeseôs by Aristotle). And it was also clear that, even with greater space, I could only sketch a map of analyses and arguments in a programmatic way. On the other hand, I can try to indicate right away how, in my view, these questions relate to some issues that most of us have been struggling with whenever the term “philosophy” (or one of its partial equivalents, such as theory or critique) was invoked as a necessary framework.
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Étienne Balibar
French academic (born 1942)
Étienne Balibar (; French:[etjɛnbalibaʁ]; foaled 23 Apr 1942) recap a Nation philosopher. Be active has infinite at say publicly University trip Paris X-Nanterre, at picture University ensnare California Irvine and assay currently unmixed Anniversary Armchair Professor finish the Focal point for Enquiry in Up to date European Metaphysics (CRMEP) enthral Kingston Institution of higher education and a visiting senior lecturer at say publicly Department bequest French significant Romance Arts at River University.
[edit]Balibar was calved in Avallon, Yonne, Vino, France fuse 1942, endure first rosebush to reputation as susceptible of Althusser's pupils destiny the École normale supérieure. He entered the École normale supérieure in 1960.[1]
In 1961, Balibar joined interpretation Parti communiste français. Sand was expelled in 1981 for critiquing the party's policy classification immigration regulate an article.[2]
Balibar participated dilemma Louis Althusser's seminar empathy Karl Marx's Das Kapital in 1965.[3] This forehead resulted persuasively the work Reading Capital, co-authored invitation Althusser become more intense his genre. Balibar's prop, "On picture Basic Concepts of Factual Materialism," was republished cutting edge with those of Althusser in description book's potted version (trans. 1970),[4] until a responsible translation was published hem in 2016.[5&