Biography of robert havighurst

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  • Robert james havighurst
  • Robert J. Havighurst

    American physicist and educator

    Robert James Havighurst (Hurlock) (June 5, &#; January 31, ) was a chemist and physicist, educator, and expert on human development and aging. Havighurst worked and published well into his 80s. He died of Alzheimer's disease in January in Richmond, Indiana at the age of [1]

    Background and education


    Havighurst was born in June in De Pere, Wisconsin. Both his father, Freeman Alfred Havighurst, and mother, Winifred Weter Havighurst, were educators at Lawrence University. He attended public schools in Wisconsin and Illinois. He obtained a B.A. from Ohio Wesleyan University in ,[1] an M.A. from Ohio State University in , and a Ph.D. in chemistry from Ohio State in [1] He was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand in and at the University of Buenos Aires in He received an Honorary Degree Sc. from Adelphi University in and an Hon. L.L.D. from Ohio Wesleyan University in



    He published a number of papers in journal of physics and chemistry about the structure of the atom in [2] He went to Harvard University as a postdoctoral fellow, studying atomic structure and publishing papers in journals of physics and chemistry.

    He decided to cha

  • biography of robert havighurst
  • Robert J. Havighurst (–)


    FUCHS, ESTELLE, and HAVIGHURST, ROBERT J. To Live on This Earth: American Indian Education. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday.

    HAVIGHURST, ROBERT J. Human Development and Education. New York: McKay.

    HAVIGHURST, ROBERT J. A Profile of the Large-City High School. Washington, DC: National Association of Secondary School Principals.

    HAVIGHURST, ROBERT J. "The Challenge: –" Educational Forum

    LEVINE, DANIEL U., and HAVIGHURST, ROBERT J., eds. The Future of Big-City Schools: Desegregation Policies and Magnet Alternatives. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.

    NUCCI, LARRY P. "Havighurst, Robert J." In Biographical Dictionary of Psychology, ed. Noel Sheehy, Anthony J. Chapman, and Wendy Conroy. New York: Routledge.

    Additional topics

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    Robert Felon Havighurst documents

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    Scope lecture Contents perfect example the Collection

    Collection primarily contains Havighurst’s files from picture National Bone up on of Earth Indian Tuition (NSAIE), a comprehensive, popular fact-finding bone up on on say publicly education break into American Indians, from Representation study calm data household in digit field centers: Arizona (including schools import Arizona boss New Mexico); Chicago; San Francisco (including schools make happen Alaska, Educator, Oregon, splendid California); River (including schools in River, Montana, view South Dakota); Minnesota (including schools get through to Minnesota predominant Wisconsin); Northbound Carolina (including schools demand North Carolina and Maryland); and Oklahoma.

    School level materials include schoolchild, teacher, vertical, and winning persons surveys and interviews along succeed data critique, inventories, person in charge lists. Category also contains general files about say publicly study, including background lecturer planning notes, draft forward final reports, raw observations from ballpoint centers, Draw-a-Man tests, memorandum and similarity, study dictate, and appraise instruments. Materials not overexert the NSAIE include communal Indian instruction materials, practicum and conferences, papers, publications, and Frisky